
so this is Goodbye... for now...

My heart is heavy today... I have spent the past three months considering this post, and whether or not I should even publish it, but my considerations have brought me to this place and I feel it is the right decision. I am going to be taking a hiatus from the blogging world. I am realizing each day how important it is to spend quality time with those I love, and as those of you know who are also bloggers, blogs take a lot of time. The current content on this and my cooking blog will remain and should any of my readers have any questions, please feel free to email them to me at jakigh@gmail.com.

This is not goodbye forever by any means... Simply a goodbye for a while so I can focus on parenting and the small moments in life with the people I love. I appreciate your understanding and hope you all stay connected! I no longer have FaceBook, however have Twitter and Instagram, usernames for both; @jakigh,  so feel free to add and stay in touch that way.

I am looking forward to returning to the blog world in the future, when I have more time to dedicate to it. Much love and thank you all for your support!